

Complimentary Webinar

with ITR Economics & ButcherJoseph & Co.

Blueprint for Succession Planning Ahead of the 2030s

Presented by ITR Consulting Speaker Lauren Saidel-Baker and ButcherJoseph & Co. Vice President Tristan Tahmaseb

Join us June 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm ET!

ITR Economics is forecasting an economic depression for the 2030s. While a depression can present opportunities, most private business owners today are baby boomers approaching retirement. We urge business owners to take a moment from building their companies to establish an exit blueprint that accounts for both their potential retirement objectives and the predicted economic headwinds.

With an ownership transition event, it can take years for proceeds to be fully realized. Therefore, it is prudent to secure value for your life’s work by initiating or preparing for a sale before the uncertainty of the 2030s. 

What will attendees receive?

  • Attendees will gain familiarity with the sale options available to business owners.
  • They will get insight into the current M&A environment and capital market conditions.
  • Attendees will receive a better understanding of transaction structures and how long it can take to receive total proceeds from a sale.
  • We will provide insights into how to position your business so it is optimized for a sale, whether that is now or five years in the future.

Questions to Be Answered

  • When should I start to prepare my business for a sale event?
  • What type of sell options are available to me as a business owner?
  • What is the experience of a sale process, and how long can it take for me to receive proceeds from selling my business?
  • What can I do today to maximize the value of my business for when I sell it in the future?





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