

Customized Report & Alliance

Exclusive Service Bundle

With Customized Reports from ITR Economics, you can provide unbeatable market intelligence to your members. Select your own industries of interest to include and view their 3-year forecasts, see where the macroeconomy is headed via the Business Cycle Dashboard, and check out the supporting text analysis for additional insights supporting the outlook.

ITR Economics will provide this report on a quarterly basis, on five industries applicable to your members. These crucial insights and additional resources will be available via the online specialized Economic Portal.

When combined with Alliance Powered by DataCast, members can bring their customized report to life. It puts them in the driver’s seat, letting them plot their company’s data against any markets covered in the Customized Report. This real-time experience will increase your members’ ability to understand where their business fits within their specific markets and the overall economy.


Customized Report & Alliance

Values Provided

  • Foresight on applicable markets to the audience receiving the report
  • Actionable guidance via Management Objectives™
  • Know when and where to position their business to maximize their return on investment
  • Understand events impacting business
  • Increase internal forecasting accuracy
  • Benchmark internal success
  • Inform effective marketing strategies

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Program includes 12 months of access for members and 4 Customized Reports uploaded to the portal throughout the year


77 Sundial Ave. Suite 510W

Manchester, NH 03103

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